Daniel Costa

In our second instalment of 'In Focus' where we shine a light on exceptional sound engineers worldwide who share our passion for all things Midas and audio, we spoke with Daniel Costa, a seasoned sound professional from Brazil with 15 years of working in the audio industry.

Presently, Daniel oversees the audio system at Fonte Da Vida Church in Brasília, Brazil. His setup of choice?

The Midas M32 paired with a DL32 stage box—a combination he favours for its adaptability and convenience.

With the M32 handling PA, monitoring, and streaming duties, its extensive features offer many possibilities. However, what Daniel finds most invaluable is the channel folding functionality. This allows him to seamlessly manage both PA and monitoring tasks, sending them to headphones with EQ/COMP adjustments. Such fluidity in workflow enhances communication and allows for a smooth experience for both the band and congregation alike in the house of worship setting.

As Daniel began his journey in the audio industry, he delved into the realm of analogue equipment during what he fondly refers to as the "golden age" of sound engineering. He mentions that back then, the idea of consolidating multiple functions into a single console wasn’t heard of. He goes on to say “This is one of the great advantages that technology gives us when working with digital tables. Before, we needed 1 hour to reset an analogue table and start everything from scratch. Today, in minutes you can download your scene to the table, and you can start a soundcheck.”

The M32 offers a range of possibilities, which in Daniel’s eyes, justifies every penny he invested into it. When questioned about other favoured products or software, he promptly highlights Dante Software. According to him, this software garnered a positive reception in Brazil, raising the technical bar to an exceptional standard.

Midas Daniel Costa
Daniel Costa

Daniel's most memorable career highlights emerge from his journeys with various bands, travelling across the different states of Brazil and creating new and exciting connections with fellow professionals in audio, lighting, and production. Undoubtedly, these experiences stand as the pinnacle of his professional journey.

Towards the end of our chat, Daniel offered some words of wisdom to sound engineers starting their journey:

1- Study all types of equipment, read the manuals and you will learn a lot.

2- Look for companies in your region and offer to work for free in exchange for the knowledge you will acquire at the beginning of your career, however unfair it may seem, companies are the best practical school.

3- Be polite, humble, clean, always carry gum in your pocket, this will help your relationship with artists and bands.

4- Always do your best regardless of the size of the event, you never know who will be listening to your mix, at one of these events there could be someone very important needing a technician and you could lose this opportunity by showing poor work.

Finally, Daniel sprinkles an "AbraSom" onto everyone he encounters during the audio profession journey.

Keep up to date with Daniel on Instagram (@costadaniel)